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Emtelle received the Premium Partner Education Award from SKZ

After 2021 and 2022, the German Plastics Center SKZ has once again awarded the “Premium Partner Training” award to ten companies that have worked together with the SKZ to promote further education in the plastics industry in the previous year. Emtelle received this award as Premium Partner Training of the SKZ for the first time for our comprehensive and innovative cooperation in the field of education and training in plastics technology.

This is the third year that SKZ has awarded the coveted prize to companies

“The shortlist of candidates includes companies that work with us to develop innovative learning formats, sustainably push and expand employee training, and decisively advance the plastics industry beyond the standard through professional training,” reports Matthias Ruff, Sales Manager Education & Research at SKZ. The award is always presented for the previous year. For several years now, Emtelle and SKZ have been jointly conducting training courses in the field of plastics fundamentals and extrusion technology.

“We are glad to have an experienced and broadly positioned partner in the field of further training on hand with SKZ and look forward to continued successful cooperation,” says Christin Wettstein, Personal Officer at Emtelle.

In 2023, Emtelle and SKZ will continue to actively use jointly established learning formats, such as face-to-face courses and live online training. Among other things, the training on the topics can be actively incorporated into the onboarding processes of new employees and also help experienced colleagues keep their knowledge up to date and expand it.

“Experience shows that it is continuous training – we know it from school – and frequent repetition that leads to consolidated expertise. For Emtelle, we have been able to conduct many joint training courses here in recent years to provide employees with the necessary expertise, here in the field of extrusion technology,” Andreas Büttner, head of education in the area of materials, compounding and extrusion at SKZ, concludes.

More information about the courses

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